Gordie’s Midday Gossip - Today Is National Napping Day

42% of People Are More Tired After “Springing Forward”

'Actuel Dogs' - Luxury Dogs Hotel Visit VINCENNES, FRANCE - APRIL 19: 'Flag', a Jack Russell terrier sleeps in bed in its hotel room at Actuel Dogs on April 19, 2011 in Vincennes, France. Opened in November 2010 by Devi and Stan Burun, Actuel Dogs is a five-star luxury hotel for dogs with four single rooms and two suites. With the aim of meeting the dogs' needs, the hotel offers activities including doggy walks, doggy rando’(hiking), doggy jogs, doggy velo’(running next to a bike) and other services such as dog massage. The hotel also caters to the needs of people living in small appartments or who don't have the time to walk their dogs. (Photo by Franck Prevel/Getty Images) (Franck Prevel/Getty Images)

Most of us lost an hour due to “springing forward” for Daylight Saving Time yesterday, so this is PERFECT: Today is National Napping Day. There are TWO ways to celebrate: For starters, you can take a nap. Experts recommend 20 to 30 minutes to feel energized. A 60-minute nap will make you feel more rested but you’ll probably feel lethargic and groggy when you wake up. If you’re out for longer than that, you’ll enter REM sleep, which also means you’re probably sleep-deprived. If you are NOT a napper, you can still celebrate by going to bed earlier tonight. You can jump-start that by exercising a little this evening or by enjoying a hot bath or shower. Even though the time-change is just an hour, studies show that it CAN impact people for several days. In a poll, 42% of people say they’ve had their sleep affected in some way by Daylight Saving Time and women say they feel the effects more than men. In another new poll, 60% of people would LOVE IT if they never had to change their clocks again. 22% of people want to keep the time changes . . . and 18% of people said they’re “not sure.”

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